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Our Lives Change when our Habits Change

2015 07Jul-14 Excellence (Aristotle-Habit).png

If you continue doing what you are you doing today, you will have the same results tomorrow. Change your routine. Do something different. Do not wait for perfection, ACT! Change your habits today.

Traditional problem solving processes suggest you plan appropriately prior to making change. The Pragmatic Plant Manager turns this philosophy upside down, The Pragmatic Plant Manager sees value in the activity. The Pragmatic Plant Manager improvement model is: ACT-Learn-Plan; Repeat.

The action is visible to others and stimulates the organization to take notice. The consequence of these observations is awareness of what is most important and perhaps further actions by the associates.

The most value comes from the courage to act without fear of failure and the learning that evolves. The organization that nurtures a culture of experimentation grows exponentially as each individual learns. Every experiment permanently alters the DNA of the organization.

The learning must translate into further action to be useful. The individual and the organization move on this continuum torward excellence with each iteration of the Act-Lean-Plan; Repeat improvement cycle.

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